Thursday, April 10, 2014

So the Issues I'm Having

These started long before my diagnosis, and I keep my psychiatrist busy with all of this, but this is what I am dealing with right now.....
Panic attacks - for no apparent reason sometimes, other times it's because I need to go to a store I would rather not go into. Large stores freak me out, and I panic the entire time I am in one. I have to push down the panic just to get myself to drive to the store and walk into it.
Anxiety - which leads to panic attacks but also sort of always is in me, over trivial things.
Depression - I have lived with this forever. It's my forever "friend" and only antidepressants keep it at bay, but even then I have days when I just can't shake it. Some days I can barely move from the couch to do anything.
Sleep Problems - Another Forever Friend. My psychiatrist gives me pills for this. I remember going for days not sleeping as a kid. I hated lying awake all night.
I am not going to allow these to stop me from living my life. I force myself through situations I don't want to deal with. I don't want to become agoraphobic so I force myself to leave the house. I walk the dog, drive to the bank. I can do drug stores. Grocery stores overwhelm me and I have trouble but I can push down the panic if I need to to get the items I need. Department stores - I avoid them completely if possible.
This is only when I am alone. When I am with my husband or son I am better at navigating situations. They ground me. It's the being alone part that makes things difficult. I will never stop trying, though. I can't let these issues stop me from living my life.

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